Thursday, April 12, 2018

"Literary Speculation" week 13, April 12, 2018

"Literary Speculation"
Week 13
April 12, 2018
                                                    Image result for Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake

          This week we focused on literary speculation, and began to read the book 'Oryx and Cake" written by Margaret Atwood. To start, ive been working on 4 days of no sleep, so here we go!
           In chapter one, there is this guy named Snowman who is in a tree with only one mango left to eat.  But Margaret used a kind of language that was very descriptive but fun one might say.... For example, when she wrote the sentence "wave after wave sloshing over the various barricades, wish-wash wish-wash, the rythm of a heartbeat."  I was interested in reading on.  Then this "group of children" walk across the beach toward Snowman and begin to chant his name.  The problem is that Snowman cant step into the sun because it will burn him too badly while these kids can go into the UV light. There is a guy named Crake, who didnt allow any magical or fantastical names. , after he named himself after the Abominable Snowman.The children want to hear stories of the past but he lies to them to get them to go away.  He was left alone but heard this voice in his head, one being a woman, who he thinks is not Oryx who is a prositiute that he once purchased.  He begins to be worried about his health.  Like he yells at Crake even though he is not there.  I noticed that Snowmans loneliness is really brought up a good amount making sure that the audience knows. 
          In chapter two, we find out that Snowman used to be called Jimmy. There was a big bonfire of dead cows, pigs and sheep that he seemed to like the smell of when it came to the animals burning hair because it reminded him when he burned his hair when he was younger. Which i thought was weird.  We dig into knowing a little about Jimmys background, particilarly his father not being so great to his wife.  Jimmy was concerned for the animals wellbeing, with them being sick and diseased but Jimmy doesnt understand.  The book beings to bring up what his father did for a living, which was working on an Organic farm which can grow human organ tissue. Corporations are selling meat from animals with human organs in it to make a profit, but they tell people that they dont.  Jimmy's dad  thinks that all of Jimmy's problems could be solved with a pill.  We also find out that Jimmy lives in the Organic "compound", which is a tightly sealed community that was built for the company.  he has never been to the outside world.  When his mother had time to/ when she felt like it, she acted like a real mother to Jimmy. As he gets older, he beings to act out to get his mothers attention, and she tries to be a real mother to him.
            Noon is apparently bad for Snowman because the sun is so hot and intense.  Years later, Snowman recalls telling Oryx about the knife, that if you dont give someone money for it that bad luck will make it cut you.  Which i thought was kind of funny.  Well, before i get any further into this, ive noticed that he is in his head a lot.  Hearing voices and thinking about past times and people that are in his life.  And i like how in certain parts of the chapters have works that they begin with words that describe the first sentence or that start the first sentence.  These little things that happen all make him think back to this girl Oryx and about his family and all these memories that he has with them which could be good or bad.   It is a very interesting book so far and you told me to keep reading it so im gonna keep going on it because apparently it gets better.  It waas  a bit slow at first and i am still curious to why she makes certain words so big at scentences. But I'll find out!

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