Week 12
1. what is your reaction to the text you just read?
This is a couple this first off... My mind was all over the place with this one. Well one of my big reactions was when they said that they are about to open him and lick the blood to get the blood to stop flowing. I was definitely not expecting this at all when they said that the grubs are starting to eat Lomas from the inside out. He was sick and the grubs took out what was making him sick but they had to take them out of him before they ate him alive and killed him. Ive noticed that the person that is talking is pretty grossed out by what is going on but i can tell that they also like it a bit. Im a little drawn back because this seems kind of gross and im personally grossed out b bugs and freaked out by them. Then they bring up the fact that they are alien. This person is trying to get them to help them feed from what i think im understanding. There is parasite/ symbiotic aliens inside these people and i am totally grossed out. It cud also be about brainwashing and oppression, where usually the alien is seemed as the oppressor, but in this one, the roles are reversed. Consent was also something that was a part of this.
2. what connections did you make with the story that you read? Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect.
I can only connect it to the movie Aliens, and to a woman being pregnant and the baby is basically eating and feeding off of the mother. Its just freaking me out more to be honest. For a morning read im just a little out of it and reading this makes me actually think about all the things that are going on in the female body when they are growing a child inside them. Its like they were pets but now they are not pets, and they live on this reserve where they get along as if they are paying rent. There are problems with consent kind of where there is a little bit of force to try to find a scapegoat.
3. What changes would you make to adopt this story into another medium? What medium would you use? What changes wold you make?
I would turn this into a movie for sure because i would love to see how they can take this story and change it and tweak it so that they can make it all happen n the big screen. it can be the new twisted science fiction/horror movie. If they can get proper effects for the scenes they could make this into a successful movie of growing up being an adult and dealing with these things. Aomething along the effects of the Saw movies .
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