Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Space Opera"
March 14, 2018

When I first saw the title of space opera, I thought to myself, people singing in space.  Little did I know that it meant movies like Star Wars.  I was very off... But I am one of the few who has never seen a Star wars movie so I thought id give it a try since I did not have much time this week being in the hospital for a whole day.

I watched the first Star Wars movie for the first time ever and I actually really liked it. First off the bat, I started cracking up with some of the languages and accents the characters talk in made it very funny.  I loved all of the effects and the story line. I found it all very fascinating.  It felt opera esc when they played the dramatic orchestra music in the background that gave it a special vibe and feel.  I even got so into the movies that I watched chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!

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